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We have some great testimonials from our clients.

"I feel like for the first time in my professional life, I am on the front foot, intentionally initiating new areas of professional growth potential and seizing opportunities which I previously would have simply reacted to and most likely missed.  I enjoyed how closely Audrey listened, picking out the gaps in reason or important phrases that got us to the heart of the issue quickly. She helped me come at a problem from different directions.
If you value your own personal and professional development, get a coach."  

Head of Fundraising, International Charity

"I realised I had reached a point where patterns of behaviour were just continuing to repeat themselves and I wasn't able to change them on my own.  Audrey has helped me become aware of how these behaviours arise, what lies beneath them, and how I can manage them...and ultimately eliminate them. Her help, and the space she has given me to think at my deepest, has been invaluable."

Hedge Fund Manager, Multi-Asset

"I had good connection and rapport with Audrey, and she stayed with my agenda. Her style is relaxed and calm, and she shows a balance of challenge versus support. She asked open, effective questions that enabled me to gain a different perspective on the problem I was facing at the time".

Investment Manager, US Investment Bank

“Laser-focused Audrey listens to the challenges I face in running my company and time and again helps me to focus on the positive opportunities for change and personal growth. It’s a pleasure to work with her. There hasn’t been a session that hasn’t benefited both me and my business" 

Founder and CEO, Financial Services Corporate Start-up Engagement

"I had no idea that my lifestyle was depriving me of proper recovery in my sleep. Thanks to the reality of staring the data in the face, I have made some small changes to how I live and the results have been dramatic. I would never have believed it until I saw the data with my own eyes."

Investment Manager, UK Asset Manager

"My stress levels were way higher than I realised, and it was manifesting as anger. Audrey helped me see what was going on mentally and physically, and I have made real improvements in how I live healthily and how I perform at my peak."

Investment Banker, European Investment Bank

"The programme has made me think about my career in a more intentional way. I really enjoyed the creative aspect of the sessions, in that the questions you asked, led me to look beyond the obvious. Audrey was challenging but I knew there was support at all times. In summary, I would say that coaching is a great way to take stock of where you are, where you would like to be and how you are going to get there."

Tax Lawyer, City Law Firm

"Audrey has helped me manage my maternity leave with ease. I was very apprehensive about how my boss and colleagues would take the news, and how my time away would be, but thanks to the careful planning and structure I put in place with Audrey's help, I had a really smooth transition going on leave and then returning from it. Her help was invaluable."  

Chief Marketing Officer, Retail

"Audrey doesn't let me get away with the easy way out. She holds me to account and I have found the action points post our session really helpful to keep me focused and on track."

CEO, Technology

"Thanks so much for all your help - I really can't describe how much your coaching has transformed the last 4 years for me."

COO, Commercial Real Estate