Call: 07798 821550

"Audrey is an inspirational speaker - she always brings high quality content delivered in an easy to understand and engaging way."

Public Speaking

Audrey is a regular speaker at conferences and events.  

Themes that she is asked to speak on range from;

  • Manage your Own Career development
  • Improve your Productivity
  • Ways to increase your gravitas
  • How to manage conflict without feeling sick
  • How to do difficult conversations well
  • Why network?
  • How to get promoted
  • Juggling parenthood and work
  • The Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology Tools

If you would like more information about the range of talks that Audrey can provide please get in contact with us.

Speaker for Round Tables, Seminars and Webinars

She also gives smaller group presentations for workshops and seminars.  

Audrey is often invited as a speaker for women's network events to host seminars / webinars on topics such as career development, gravitas, personal brand, networking, emotional intelligence, stress resilience and more recently virtual presence.

Audrey also gets invited to speak at round table events with industry champions, CEOs and CFOs, bringing her perspectives both as a women in the financial services industry combined with her coaching experience. 

Audrey also gets asked to speak to cohorts of graduates at law firms and investment banks sharing advice to help them start out on their careers.


 For further details on the associate coaches, please contact